Events 2014




Air Asia X Keynote 

July 2014

The School of Marketing welcomed Mr. Azran Osman- Rani, CEO of Aira Asia X, to deliver a keynote address that was open to students, staff and external guests. This address was one of the main events during the ANZMAC Mid- year Doctoral Colloquium (below). Mr. Azran spoke at length about building a distinct airline
brand & business model that was continually able to adapt to market changes and remain competitive. Attendees, in excess of 200, were welcomed to a Q& A session followed by a VIP networking session. 

ANZMAC InAugural Mid-year Doctoral Colloquium 2014

July 2014

Earlier in July, the Curtin Business School’s School of Marketing hosted the ANZMAC Inaugural Mid-Year Doctoral Colloquium. Supported by the members of the Curtin Marketing Association, the colloquium turned out to be a great success.

More than thirty talented doctoral students from Australia and abroad, including Malaysia and New Zealand, attended the colloqui-um. In keeping with the theme of the colloquium – Learning, Nurturing, Engaging, the three day event comprised of teambuilding and networking activities, panel discussions, and keynote speeches by distinguished academics and industry partners.